
Destructuring is the main way to get items out of tuples and can be used inside an if statment to check whether or not a destucurable type fits a certain pattern. There are two different types of detructuring:

let a,
  b = (1, 2), // Sets a and b to 1 and 2 respectively
let { a, c: b } = { a: 1, c: 1 }, // Sets a and c in the record to a and b respectively

This is a direct destructure, which can only be done with tuples and records, as they have defined fields or types.

if let [a, b] = [1, 2] { // If it is able to destructure then it runs the code
} else {
	print("Destructure failed")

if let yes(a) = yes("test") { // Sets a to "test" as it managed to destructure correctly, so it is not a maybe

Conditional patterns

The next type of destrucuting is the conditional let, as this is the only time list destructuring or enum destrucuring can be used. This is very useful for dealing with json types:

import json
let jsonToStrMap = (val:json.value) -> maybe[map[str, str]] {
	if let object(valueMap) = val { // Checks if val is a json.object and stores it in valueMap if it is
		return entries(map) // For each of the entries in the map run the following code
			|> filterMap(([(key, value): (str, json.value)] -> maybe[(str, str)] {
				if let string(str) = value { // If the value in the map can be turned into a json.string then run the following code
					return yes((key, str))
				} else {
					return none // If it is not a json.string then remove it from the map
			|> mapFrom()
			|> yes()
	} else {
		return none // If the value is not a json.object then return none


  • All destructuring types can be used with a conditional let.